ZenDrive U7M (SDRW-08U7M-U)

ZenDrive U7M (SDRW-08U7M-U) 查找其它型号


    Windows 11 64-bit
    Windows 11 64-bit
    Windows 11 32-bit
    Windows 10 64-bit
    Windows 10 32-bit
    Windows 8.1 64-bit
    Windows 8.1 32-bit
    Windows 8 32-bit
    Windows 8 64-bit
    Windows 7 32-bit
    Windows 7 64-bit
    Vista 32-bit
    Vista 64-bit
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      • The actual      transfer speed of USB 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and/or Type-C will vary depending on many      factors including the processing speed of the host device, file attributes and      other factors related to system configuration and your operating environment.